

Profession : Ranger (also the leader of the Seekers)

Age : 20

Race : Manticore wyrd

Originates from : The Greater Wilds

History :     Exile grew up with a group of wyrds in the Greater Wilds and was renown in her clan for her great hunting skills. She often went alone into the forests to stalk animals as a past-time, but she would never harm or kill unless the clan needed food or if she was forced to defend herself from the dangerous predators that haunt the Greater Wilds.
    It was while the young wyrd was out on one of these hunting trips that something terrible happened: her fellow wyrds were camped near the foot of the Grey Mountains when, one evening, they were attacked without warning and slaughtered by a hoard of marauding fian demons.
    When she returned to the campground she saw the carnage and ran. For about five years she lived alone, and finally her wanderings brought her to the desert where she met with another group of wyrds. As they never turn their backs on someone who needs a place to be, the clan's headman allowed this lonely stranger to join them.
    All was fine until, when she was 20, the clan were attacked by hssaar (as the wyrds lived in the lands of the snake-men, they were constantly at odds with them and did their best to avoid them). Not all were slain, but most of the warriors were lost.
    It was while the clan were moving to a hidden place to recover that their scouts found the Daemonslayer known as Blackjack, who had escaped the hssaar but his companions had not been as lucky. Exile was angry when the clan headman and elders said they would not help him against the evil snake men - she thought that they should have their revenge, and that if they did not make a stand, they would never learn to defend themselves. She chose to disobey the ruling of her elders, and helped him (and the assassin Darkclaw, who had also become involved). They were successful, but for her disobedience she was kicked out of the clan ... they just broke camp and continued on to the secret place without her (the reason why she chose the name 'exile' or herself).
    Alone again and wandering where the winds took her, Exile heard wondrous tales of the city of Uth Teleros and felt it was her destiny to find this place, and make a safe home for all wyrds where they need not fear monsters, demons or prejudice. She began her search for the city, and met the bantari centaur Paladin, and later the blind mage Seer and the mutated thief Hybrid who all joined her on the quest.

Personality :     Exile is an expert at surviving on her own, and sometimes her loner attitude can be obvious. But most of the time she is okay around other people. She has a very powerful sense of self and will not be domineered by anyone and always sticks by her morals. Although manticores can be ferocious creatures, Exile keeps this side well under control and has a compassionate side to her nature, keeping her well balanced. Her indomitable will and ability to get on with others makes her the ideal leader for the group.

Weaknesses :     Because her hands are more or less paws, Exile lacks the manual dexterity that a normal human would have. This does not mean that she is clumsy, it just means that she has difficulty in performing fiddly or delicate tasks such as writing and she finds it hard to handle small items. Although she has lived with this all her life, Exile is still sometimes frustrated by this.
    Also, having lived as a nomad almost all her life, she never got the chance to learn to read, but now Seer (and sometimes Hybrid) are helping her with this.

Skills :     Exile's greatest skill is her ability to hunt and track and she would qualify as a Ranger by way of a profession.

Special Abilities :     As a half-manticore, she possesses great strength, and the ability to glide on her wings. Her senses are much greater than a normal human's. 
    While in the hssaar stronghold, she found two bracelets that she wears, one on each arm. They are talismans of the goddess Pokeva, the deity of luck.

Weapons :     Exile carries no weapons, and never learned to use any. Instead her body is her weapon ... her strength, speed and enhanced senses give her an edge in combat. Her razor sharp claws are her main weapon, but she also uses her scorpion tail if she has to ... it's strike is powerful enough for her to punch the sting through any armour, and even doors (if they are not reinforced) - despite Hybrid's protests that he could easily pick the lock instead! - and her tail's venom can paralyze a foe instantly, although the effect wears off after a few hours. Her manticore side also means that her is very ferocious in battle, and she won't give up easily.

Relationships :

Paladin; Exile likes Paladin and finds him to be a good friend, although she is not quite aware yet about his feelings towards her.

Seer; Sometimes the two have their differences and Exile sometimes thinks Seer can be a little too arrogant, but the arguements are not normally serious ... the two behave rather like sisters (with Seer as the younger sister who tries to be bossy!).

Hybrid; Exile gets along with the thief better than the others do. He shows her respect (in his own way) and does not tease her as much as he does Paladin and Seer. But she often finds herself chiding him for his teasing.

Ecu; Seer's familiar can sometimes be a right pain, but Exile tolerates him so long as he does not annoy her.

Kyei Sham; Exile always keeps a quiet eye on Kyei as she does not know her all that well because she knows nothing of her past.

